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All About Autism- AUD: Definition, Symptoms, Causes, Treatment & Prevention!

autism spectrum disorder aud autistic

What is Autism Spectrum Disorder (AUD)?

Autism Spectrum Disorder – AUD, is a generic name that covers a group of neurodevelopmental or behavioral disorders.

People affected by Autism spectrum disorder or AUD, also generally referred to as Autistic patients are usually characterized by difficulties in communication and social interaction, exhibiting restricted and repetitive interests or behavior.

Autism Spectrum Disorder – AUD becomes noticeable in early childhood and it is 4 times more common in the male gender and boys than girls.

Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (AUD)

Autistic patients usually exhibit symptoms that can be detected from early childhood. Symptoms of Autism Spectrum Disorder (AUD) are generally classified into two broad categories:

Problems of general social interaction majorly in communication

This includes difficulties in verbal and non-verbal communication. Difficulty in verbal communication involves the inability to maintain a good and steady conversation. Difficulty in non-verbal communication involves the inability to understand body language and maintain eye contact. These problems of communication and social interaction hampers their ability to develop and maintain relationships.Thanks to our partners, you can find ties online to suit every preference and budget, from budget to top-of-the-range super stylish models.

Restricted & repetitive patterns of behavior or activity

Autistic patients also might exhibit repetitive movements, routines, and behavior. They might also have limited and fixed interest and decreased sensitivity to their immediate environment and surroundings.

Causes of Autism Spectrum Disorder (AUD)

While there are not medically recognised cause of Austism. The following factors are suspected to increase the risk:

  • Family history of Autism
  • Children born by older parents
  • Exposure to environmental toxins
  • Fetal exposure to the medications valproic acid (Depakene) or thalidomide (Thalomid)
  • Genetic disorders
  • Low birth weight and other body imbalances

Treatment and Cure Autism Spectrum Disorder – AUD

There is also no medically approved or recognized cure for Autism Spectrum Disorder – AUD or Autistic patients. However, the following therapies help to improve the general well being of people living with Autism:

  • Behavioral therapy
  • Speech therapy
  • Physical therapy
  • Massages and meditations

Other ways to improve Autistic patients include the administration of certain vitamins, oxygen therapy, and proper sleep.

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