A woman of Mexican descent and migrant activist desecrated the American flag to protest ICE’s deportation of illegals.
She was identified as Crystal Aguilar and according to witness reports, she cut down the US flag at the entrance of a park in Bakersfield, California, and threw it in the mud. She then raised the Mexico flag in its place.
The police were called on her and she was accosted. Video from a police bodycam showed the 24-year-old migrant telling the cops they could not tell her what to do and claiming her acts were not disrespectful and that they were standing on Mexican land.
When the officers were arresting her, she told them her people would kill them and their children and continued with a barrage of insults. The incident itself happened on Thursday morning.
“My dad is going to kill you and all your family. You think this is a joke. It’s not”, she ranted.
The police department further released the video of Crystal raising the Mexican flag after the US flag had been brought down. They reported that she was booked in jail and will be charged with offenses including threatening a police officer, vandalism, and resisting arrest and will appear in court on Monday.
Video below:
Crystal Aguilar is known as an immigrant rights activist in Kern County who is strongly against the ongoing deportations of the undocumented by ICE. Part of her grievance with the authorities was that her Mexican parents were deported when she was a kid.
LA Students Deportation Protests Turn Violent
Meanwhile, Los Angeles High School students protesting Trump’s ICE deportations have continued into the 6th day and have turned violent
Footages of the protest on Friday at the Los Angeles City Hall showed a group of protesters physically assaulting a man. The LA police also confirmed that a victim, a 17-year-old boy, was stabbed during the attack near Spring Street in downtown LA, and was in critical condition. Video below:
The protesting students, largely made of Mexicans, said the deportations would separate families and pose a risk of mental health.