A woman was caught on camera spraying pesticide (raid) over her neighbour’s slabs of fence, into her home. The video was shared on reddit has has garnered thousands of views and comments.
According to the gist accompanying the viral video, the lady sprayed the raid insecticide through her neighbour’s (also a woman) fence and property as a form of revenge.
She had allegedly complained about her neighbour’s brothers and cousins playing very close to the fence and trying to climb over to the fence into her property, which she scared them off using a bat.
At another time, her neighbour’s boyfriend also came around and was smoking marijuana close to the fence and she complained that she was allergic to the smell of weed.
And that was shen she decided it was time for a pay back. She decided to press on a can of raid insecticide over the fence into her neighbour’s house, occassionaly peering through the gaps between the fence slabs, revealing her eyes.