A video cam from surveillance footage in Ayacucho City that is being circulated online shows the moment that a man hits his colleague numerous times with a gas cylinder while he was sitting, killing him in the process.
The perpetrator, whose name is Rafael Vilcatoma Arone was apprehended some hours after the attack when the authorities saw the video cam. Rafael is currently being held at the facilities of the Criminal Investigation Directorate (Divincri).
The crime occurred at a gas distribution site in the Covadonga area, in the district ofAyacucho. The victim’s name was Abraham Lucano and he worked as a gas cylinder labeler, alongside Rafael.
According to the video cam (watch here), Abraham was sitting on a stool, and it seemed like he was writing something when Rafael started hitting him on the head multiple times with the gas cylinder until he died. He ran away from the crime scene but was later apprehended by the police.
In a new development, Rafael alleged that a yet-to-be-known Chucky sent him to hit and kill Abraham with the gas cylinder. He seems to be dealing with some mental issues.