We all have that one regret which always sticks at the back of our minds and usually pops up by certain triggers. For some, it might be a missed business opportunity, for others, a missed property purchase, while for others, it might be shying away and not talking to a crush.
An elderly woman, after being approached by a correspondent from Dose Of Society, to share a piece of advice to her younger self, (I can bet the younger folks already have their ears up) said she would advise y’all to have more sex!
Yes, that is exactly what she said, and according to her, no old person on their deathbed regrets having too much sex. They would probably be regretting not having enough.
Well, I guess she also forgot to add safe sex, cos if you go all wild n out without good protection, chances are you might not get to that old age and probably, regret having so much sex while lying on your deathbed as a youngster.
Watch her video below: