“What’s stopping you from committing suicide?” A question casually asked by an X user, Angel, is blowing up the internet with over 64 million views and people trooping in to give their personal answers.
Whether it is via a legally approved assisted suicide pod or self-harm, suicide is not an option and should be discouraged, so I would suppose the question should be “What can stop you from committing suicide?” The rephrased question will help people see reasons to live on and look up to the brighter side of life, especially in these depressing times.
Most people based their reasons to continue living on religion, breaking the hearts of concerned family and friends and hope.
Now, let’s go into some of their answers:
- The thought of dying a cowardly death
- Somebody might get happy hearing the news
- My belief in God. He gave me this life, and until he takes it, I simply can’t. Besides, I can’t risk spending eternity anywhere else other than with him.
- It doesn’t end pain. It doubles and transfers it to the family and loved ones.
- Because tomorrow might be a better day.
- My mom. If she wasn’t here then it would be easy.
- I believe that God will never fail me
- Waste of death.
- My Pet
- The thought of the people in my life having to go through weddings, births, graduations, etc, without me and wishing that I could be there to celebrate with them. Leaving everyone with a me-sized hole in their hearts is something I don’t wanna put them through.
- Tried it twice, but I still get the thoughts randomly whenever I walk past Carter Bridge on the island. I do not wish those ideas on anyone, it’s a crazy and dark place to be in. Just living life now, one day at a time.
- The fact I had all these people come before and suffer through the most trying circumstances. I can’t let them down (includes a calculation that shows he was a product of over 4,000 ancestors from 400 years ago).
- Video games, music, sports, and anime.
- Never end a temporary problem with a permanent solution.
- Vision from God after first attempt.
- Scared to die.
- Only child.
- My kids and family. “I can’t bear the thought that they’d be without a mom and not being taken care of”.
- The realization that this too really will pass.
- God’s grace and mercy
- Sex
- Hell
- Cuz I don’t believe in depression.
- Because life doesn’t end with the death of your body, your soul continues to live. The spiritual debt is greater.
If you are feeling suicidal or suspect someone of suffering from such, please reach out to genuinely concerned people or seek help from “suicidal helplines online”.