The newly released JFK files revealed some shocking information about who killed former US President John F Kennedy and the role of the CIA in his assassination as well as Joe Biden’s loyalty in US politics.
One of the classified documents was about Gary Underhill who announced that JFK was assassinated by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). The former CIA agent made the startling information to his close family and friends and said his life was in danger and he would flee the US.
According to Underhill, JKF was killed by the CIA because he was about to clamp down on a “CIA clique” that was involved in arms dealing and drug trafficking. He also said that the CIA was manipulating the US government to further its agenda.
Unfortunately, Gary Underhill was found dead 6 months later in his apartment in Washington in a highly contentious suicide ruling. According to the coroner’s report, he shot himself in the back of his head. A single bullet was found behind his left ear and the gun was found under his right side. However Underhill was right-handed.

In another message from John F Kennedy that is not part of the declassified files, the former president called Senator Joe Biden a traitor.
“Dear Sen. Biden: You are a traitor…”, JFK wrote in the beginning of his message.

The newly declassified files which have over 60,000 pages of handwritten or manually typewritten documents were released following Trump’s promise and executive order on January 23 following his inauguration.
46-year-old JFK was shot and killed on November 22, 1963, on his motorcade which was driving through Dallas, Texas. He was with his wife, Jacqueline Kennedy, Texas Governor John Connally, and Connally’s wife, Nelly Connally when the attack happened.
24-year-old Harvey Oswald was arrested as the assassin and was said to have acted alone.
However, many arguments maintain that Oswald did not act alone and that the murder of the US president was internally motivated and made possible by the CIA.
This would further be fueled by Oswald saying he was “just a patsy”, a word for a person who is easily taken advantage of, especially by being cheated or blamed for something. The suspicion was cemented when the “lone assassin” was shot and killed by a man while he was being transferred by the police.
The person who killed Oswald, identified as Jack Ruby, a nightclub owner in Dallas, never stood trial for his crime.
The conclusion that JFK was killed by a single bullet from Oswald is also been discredited by experts. The bullet that killed the president was also said to have entered Governor Connally in his thigh. Experts say it was not possible for the bullet to navigate the course, hit both people, and still maintain its form.