Prosecutors have gotten a lead following the video of a wealthy businesswoman named Yesenia Jessica Torres, who was shot and killed by a gunman in an assassination that was staged to look like a robbery on January 10, at a parking lot in San Bernardino.
The chilling video was captured on CCTV and saw the 44-year-old woman walking up to her car when another car pulled over and a gun-wielding man approached her and robbed her of her handbag.
A struggle ensues between the two then he starts chasing her around her Mercedes Benz G-Wagon to fire a clean shot. She tried to run back to the restaurant but was shot. The gunman then walked up to her and finished her off.
Video below:
Yesenia bravely fought her attacker with her purse and even tried getting a hold of the gun. A passerby attempted to come to her rescue but was put off by the gunfire. In total, the assassin shot 9 times
The shooter was subsequently identified as 31-year-old Gerardo Llamas. The car he came in was also found and an investigation into items found in the car led to the arrest of other suspects.
The get-away driver driver and other people involved the the murder-hire-chain were identified and traced to the victim’s husband, 53-year-old Sergio Reveles.
According to an investigation from the San Bernardino Police Department, the couple were headed for divorce and the husband paid to have his wife killed to gain the million-dollar worth of assets. A spokesman for the police, Detective Dominick Martinez, said the suspected assassins had stalked Yesenia for several days and months before they got the opportunity to kill her.
The suspects were arraigned in court where they all pleaded not guilty to murder charges. They will next appear on March 14.