A South Carolina basketball player, Ashlyn Watkins, was just arrested on Saturday after she was reportedly involved in an altercation with another individual.
Court records reveal that she is charged with first-degree assault, battery, and kidnapping. According to WLTX19, a news outlet that obtained the warrant issued by the South Carolina police, the incident occurred on Campus at the student housing center.
It is alleged that Ashlyn Watkins “forcefully” grabbed the unnamed victim’s face before pulling her arms and pushing her. Furthermore, Watkins is said to have continued the assault by grabbing the victim’s head and forcing “her to walk down the hall, thus controlling her movement while preventing her from leaving.”
The woman whom Watkins assaulted later broke free and pulled a fire alarm. She sustained non-life-threatening injuries and has received treatment for them.
The basketball player has since been released, as per records obtained from Richland County, on a $30,000 personal recognizance bond. She is scheduled to appear in court on October 25.