In the Marvel Cinematic Universe (MCU), Anthony Mackie is set to headline the upcoming film “Captain America: Brave New World,” slated for release on February 14, 2025. This is a huge move in the franchise, as Mackie’s character Sam Wilson, formerly known as Falcon, steps into the role of Captain America.
The film promises to deliver high-stakes action and political intrigue, with Sam Wilson navigating the complexities of his new position as a symbol of American heroism. The story thrusts the new Captain America into a global conspiracy, challenging him to unravel a sinister plot before it spirals out of control.
Adding to the star-studded cast is Harrison Ford, making his MCU debut as President Thaddeus Ross. The dynamic between Wilson and Ross is expected to be a central element of the film, exploring themes of power, duty, and national identity.
Director Julius Onah helms this latest installment. The film will also be featuring a number of familiar faces as well as new additions to the Marvel universe, including Danny Ramirez, Shira Haas, and the return of Liv Tyler to the MCU fold.
Marvel Studios’ decision to pass the shield to Mackie’s character was first explored in the Disney+ series “The Falcon and The Winter Soldier.” And now, we will get to see him take center stage on the big screen, when “Captain America: Brave New World” drops on Valentine’s day next year.
You can watch the trailer below.