Watch the interview where Morgan Freeman proves how useless “Black History Month” is. Asks why white people don’t want “White History Month”, no Jewish month, or “Jewish History Month” for the Jews and Mike Wallace. Says how to end racism was by not talking about it, calling people by their names not saying, “black man” or “white man”.

As Americans close in on February, the date allocated to observe the annual Black History Month inch closer by the hour.
However, let’s not forget when Morgan Freeman exposed the insignificance of black history month and how it really does more harm than good to black people.
In an interview with Mike Wallace on his 60 minutes show, Morgan Freeman first queried why black history was going to be assigned to just one month.
“You’re going to relegate my history to a month?” I don’t want a black history month. Black history is American history, ” he said.
He further asked Mike Wallace why there was no “White History Month” and if he doesn’t want one, and when he (Mike) said he was Jewish (Jews have other skin color types), Morgan asked if he wants one, Mike says no, then Morgan said, “I don’t need one”!
On the issue of racism against blacks, and probably black history month created to raise awareness on racism against black people, Morgan Freeman said the real solution was to “stop talking about it”.
Freeman further explained what he meant by “not talking about blacks and black people will bring an end to racism”, by telling Mike that he would stop calling him a “white man” and he should stop calling him a “black man”. People have names and should be referred to by their names.
Watch the video below:
History Of Black History Month (Negro History Week)
Dr. Carter G. Woodson proposed and launched the annual February observance of “Negro History Week,” which later became “Black History Month”. He is is known as the Father of Black History Month and the Woodson African American Museum of Florida was named after him.
Dr. Carter G. Woodson chose February for the month for observance of “Black History Month” because February 12th was Abraham Lincoln’s birthday and February 14th was the accepted birthday of Frederick Douglass.