Are Mile Phakphum and Nattawin Wattanagitiphat (Apo) dating? Are their romantic scenes in videos where they kiss each other real? Are they gay or homosexual? If not why are they very close?
Yes, those will be the top questions amongst many others that fans of the GQ men of the year will be asked in a free-to-call interview.
However, there is no confirmation that Mile or Apo are dating or in a sexual relationship. Though their many erotic scenes in movies might want to suggest otherwise.
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During their appearance in the GQ events, one could even slice through the romance between both men with a kitchen knife!
However, Mile has reportedly said he is not gay and not dating Apo or in any kind of sexual relationship with him. He alleged that he’s straight and has a girlfriend.
A trending video on TikTok shows some clips of Mile with a woman alleged to be his girlfriend.