Local police reported that they found four bodies in an Ohio man’s house after the man told a 911 dispatcher he had killed his family.
The alleged murder-suicide occurred in Elyria, about 30 miles southwest of Cleveland. Police said they went to the home at about 11:45 p.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15, after a caller said “he had killed his family and was going to kill himself.”
The man allegedly killed himself after he killed his family, as police forced their way into the home and found the bodies of 69-years old James Steadman, Bernadette Steadman, 92, Lisa Steadman, 60, and Matthew Steadman who had all taken bullets.
The Ohio police did not publicly disclose the relationships between the four family members.
But it seemed that Bernadette was the mother to James and Matthew was probably his son. The whole family is gone and nobody knows why.
The Ohio local police are yet to figure out why the alleged killer James would wipe his family out before he committed suicide or even the mental state he was in.
“Our hearts ache for the loved ones of this family,” Elyria Mayor Frank Whitfield said in a statement. “We are committed to be here for those grieving.”
The police have started their investigations into the murder, and they are calling on the public to render any information that they may deem useful.
None of the relatives or other family members have come out to give any statement yet, as they are still dealing with the loss.
Anyone with information about the incident is asked to contact the Elyria Police Department at 440-326-1213.