Talk show host Bill Maher has railed against the fat acceptance movement, calling it a threat to national security as the number of enlistees in the military declines due to obesity.
This isn’t the first time Maher is speaking on the subject.
In 2019 he urged viewers of his HBO program “Real Time with Bill Maher” to fat shame others more. In the most recent episode of his program, Maher lamented the fact that America has switched from accepting obesity to celebrating it.
In the video below, Maher condemned the current trend and narrative that encourages obesity.
He highlighted a New York Times report from 2019 that revealed that roughly one-third of prospective recruits are too obese to join the US military.
The story also mentioned how obesity rates have doubled in the Army, Air Force, and Marine Corps in less than ten years, and have increased by six times in the Navy since 2011.
The writers of the Defense Department’s Medical Surveillance Monthly Report stated at the time that those rates might have a negative effect on “physical performance and military readiness.”