Elliot Page, the actor in the Netflix movie series, Umbrella Academy, spoke about his coming out openly as a transgender, on “Late Night With Seth Meyers”.
In summary, it’s a mixture of happiness, which was the core for him, as well as pain, which he got as negative feedback from others.
“What I want to focus on right now, and has been so extraordinary, is the degree of joy that I feel, the degree of presence that I feel. “
“I feel a way that I really never thought possible for a long, long time. That’s really what I’m focusing on and embracing the most.”
“Of course, some moments can be overwhelming.[And] I feel like it’s so unfortunate because we’re all on the same team here, you know?”
He would then take on the opportunity to urge others like himself, still lurking in the shadow, to come out.
“Whether you’re trans, non-binary, cis, we all have these expectations and these limits and constraints… To me it would be so special for us to all be able to connect and talk about how similar we all are.”
Elliot Page came out as trans in December 2020, after announcing it on his Instagram page.