Facts, History, All About Veterans Day & Why It Is a Full Federal Holiday

all about veterans day facts history public holiday
Photo credit: Unsplash

Veterans day is a memorial day set aside to celebrate all military men, both dead and alive, and their service to the United States.

It dates back to the end of WW1 and is observed on November 11 of every year.

Veterans day is quite different but often confused with Memorial day; which is a day set aside to celebrate deceased military men who died in service.

A Veterans Day 2021 ceremony was held at Gerald B. H. Solomon Saratoga National Cemetery yesterday, ahead of the d-day.

The ceremony saw several presentations from various groups in honor of the US military men.

The following was curled from the speech from Lt. Col. Jamie Cox:

“Today’s veterans face a higher number of challenges than ever. We have a higher unemployment rate. We’re faced with significant mental health issues, and our suicide rate is higher than the civilian population. Whether you’re giving them thanks or opportunity, that’s all our veterans ask.”

Veterans day is recognized as both a federal and state holiday. Major firms will be closed while some might open partially or work half-day.

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