A 12-year-old boy and a 14-year-old girl escaped from a Juvenile home in the northeast of Orlando and broke into a home in Florida.

When police arrived, the kids opened fire on them which lasted for about thirty minutes. The 14 year old girl was firing a shotgun while the 12 year old boy was using an AK-47. They got possession of the gun from the house they broke into.
Florida deputies said they took the children’s gunshots for about half an hour, hoping they would stop before they had to return their gunshots.
The girl manning the Shotgun was injured in the shootout, after which the boy surrendered. The 14-year-old girl was rushed to a nearby hospital where she was said to be in a stable condition.
The Juvenile facility from which the kids escaped said in their statement, “These children are in desperate need of care in the appropriate setting, which is a higher level of care than we provide.”
The teen’s behavior was attributed to Grand Theft Auto- GTA, a video game, which raised concerns on the effects of violent games on the physic of children.