The American rapper was found in his home by the emergency unit, unconscious and breathing heavily after a 911 distress call was placed. He has been hospitalized and placed on life support to assist his heart and lungs.
William Leonard Roberts II aka Rick Ross has suffered similar issues in the past. In 2011, the 42-year-old rapper suffered seizures, twice within the same day, one in the morning and another in the early evening. After the second seizure, he was admitted to a hospital in Birmingham, Alabama, where doctors ran some tests and declared him healthy.
After recovery, he, however, announced that he will pursue a healthier living by losing some weight, after which he lost 75 pounds of his initial weight of 350 pounds. He held to continue with his weight loss program, after which the media was then wowed with pics of the new slim Rick Ross with his signature beard.

Rick Ross is the founder of Maybach Music and was recognized by MTV as the Hottest MC in the Game.
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