Here are various video clips that captured the operation where members of a gang blocked a prison van that was conveying their French leader, Mohamed...
“Setting gas stations on fire, defacing religious centers, causing a nuisance in public places, and attacking citizens is not one way illegal immigrants, also referred...
Justice has been served against a violent offender who carried out multiple stabbing attacks against a young woman. James Legg, 31, was sentenced to 28...
Tensions are escalating between Britain and China after UK authorities charged two individuals with violating the Official Secrets Act by providing information that could compromise...
A new report from the European Union’s Copernicus climate monitoring service and the World Meteorological Organization reveals Europe is increasingly being battered by bouts of...
Salwan Sabah Matti Momika, a man known for his public demonstrations where he would burn the Quran has been killed. Salwan Sabah’s lifeless body was...
Author JK Rowling’s commentary usually viewed as anti-transgender could potentially bring legal repercussions under Scotland’s newly enacted hate crime legislation. A minister in the Scottish...
The British royal family has been making headlines yet again, but this time it’s not about any of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle’s bombshell revelations....
The royal family shared a touching moment with the public on Britain’s Mother’s Day, releasing the first official photograph of Kate Middleton aka Princess Catherine...
Scarlet Blake, a 26-year-old transgender, has received a life sentence for the murder of a stranger in Oxford. Back in July 2021, Blake was convicted...
Figures reveal a staggering sevenfold increase in the prevalence of a lesser-known eating disorder among UK residents over the past five years. In 2018, Beat,...