Robert “Rob” Arthur Kardashian is an American television personality famous for appearing on ‘Keeping Up with the Kardashians,’ a reality television series that focuses on...
Kim Kardashian West is an American media personality, socialite, model, and businesswoman. Kardashian first gained media attention as a friend and stylist of Paris Hilton,...
Khloé Kardashian is an American media personality, socialite, and model. Since 2007, she has starred with her family in the reality television series Keeping Up...
Kourtney Kardashian was born in Los Angeles, California as the eldest of four children of Kris Jenner (née Kristen Mary Houghton) and attorney Robert Kardashian,...
Caitlyn Jenner is an American media personality and retired Olympic gold medal-winning decathlete. She was born and brought up in a middle-class Christian family from...
Kris Jenner is an American reality television personality, producer, entertainment manager, author, and businesswoman. She is best known for appearing in the reality TV series...
Amber Rose is an American model, actress, and television personality. She is one of the most colorful personalities in Hollywood and her life story is...
Evangelist Funmilayo Adebayo is a Nigerian evangelist and pastor, she is known for her controversial preaching which mostly centers on hellfire. She is popularly known...
According to her Linkedin profile, Amanda Chisom is a communications consultant, opinion blogger, business content developer, strategy consultant, and Longrich Ambassador. She is an indigene...
You must have heard about Comedian Kingezeonu real name Sydney Megbuzie Azuamaka, or be an ardent follower of his Instagram Page (if you’re not, then...