The Cranston Police Department has released the bodycam footage that shows a female police officer, identified as Kayleigh Cooper, shooting at two suspected shoplifters who...
A 3,500-year-old Egyptian sarcophagus, which is a stone coffin with drawings of sculpture or inscription, having the image of a woman that closely resembles Marge Simpson, was...
John Force’s vehicle caught fire and had a horrifying crash during a qualifying race at Virginia Nationals at Virginia Motorsports Park. The accident happened as...
Fans of Morgan Freeman were left worried following pictures and video of the 87-year-old actor attending the Monte Carlo TV Festival. The talented American actor...
A Nigerian man, named Emeka Nelson created an electricity generator that is powered by water and also invented a machine called “MGBANWE C12” that turns...
A video that showed butt-naked girls twerking was shot at a New Jersey High School Gym (Newark) to promote an upcoming celebrity basketball tournament called...
On Wednesday evening, Kendrick Lamar brought together an impressive array of West Coast hip-hop talent for his “Ken & Friends – The Pop Out” concert,...