Video: 12 UK Police Turn Up To Arrest One Woman For Trying To Steal A Sandwich In A Shop, Arrest Man Criticizing Them For Waste Of Tax Payer’s Money For Using Swear Words & Assault.

Video: 12 UK Police Turn Up To Arrest One Woman For Trying To Steal A Sandwich In A Shop. Arrest Man Criticizing Them For Waste Of Tax Payer's Money For Using Swear Words & Assault.

The UK police were berated by a witness who saw 12 officers come to arrest one girl who attempted to steal a sandwich from a shop in Uxbridge, West London.

A man in particular, questioned the officers for coming in such large numbers for a minor case of shoplifting – this case from a single girl stealing a sandwich, arguing that it was an unnecessary waste of tax payer’s money.

“How much does this cost me…I pay for it”, he said, adding that it was disgusting.

One of the officers urged the man to come along and see what they experienced, supporting a previous officer’s claim that they were just responding to a call.

However, things took a swift turn when the elderly man said one swear word “fucking”, and one of the cops came for him, reprimanding him not to use the swear word in public.

The officer let him go but the yet-to-be-identified man seemingly pushed the cop and they immediately swooped on him, taking him to the ground and arrested him. “Stop resisting”, an officer could be heard saying as they put the handcuffs on him.

Watch the video below:

The video has garnered almost 2 million views since it was on posted social media. Many lamented the increasing lack of trust Brits are beginning to have for their police.

Recently, a woman recorded British cops putting more interest in her use of words when she reported that a “filthy” immigrant spat on her.

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