GT Bank now GTCO has issued September 30th, 2021, deadline for all of its staff to get Covid-19 vaccination. The directive was communicated via an internal memo sent to all staff.
The bank warned that any staff that was not fully vacinnated by October 1st will not be allowed into the bank’s premises and might be placed on half salary.

The administration of the 1″ dose of Moderna for unvacainated persons, and the 2 dose of Astra
Zeneca for those who have received their 1″doses is still ongoing nationwide
To this end, all staff have been mandated to ensure they receive their vaccines in their various locations
on/before 30 of September 2021
Please be informed that starting October 2021, any staff that fails to comply will no longer be allowed
into the Bank’s premises and may be placed on half salary
Thank you for your kind cooperation”