The wait is finally over as the self-acclaimed Queen of Snapchat, Bobrisky, real name, Okuneye Idris Olarenwaju, reveals his new body after undergoing series of...
Daniel Anthony known on Instagram as Jay Boogie is celebrating his 23 years old birthday today. “Making my years count instead of counting the years,...
Bobrisky was left speechless after Muna Love from Tanzanian spoiled him with expensive gifts from Louis Vuitton, Versace, Christian Dior. “@munalove100 I’m speechless ??You are...
Bobrisky, real name Okuneye Idris Olanrewaju, revealed a peck of his networth after he shared a screenshot of one of his account balances. Bobrisky shared...
The Nigerian crossdresser and socialist Okunleye Idris popularly known as Bobrisky took to his official Facebook page to announce that he would gift one of...
The internet truly never forgets…though Kemi Olunloyo is not denying this tho! Here is a throw-back post from Kemi Olunloyo’s defunct Instagram Handle- hnnafrica, where...
Nigerian male barbie Bobrisky has now crowned himself with the title of most paid runsgirl, known as prostitute or ashawo (ashewo) in Nigeria. View this...
The self acclaimed Queen/King of Snapchap choose to showcase his twerking skills to the personal view of Kogbagidi, a popular TV promoter. An apparently excited Kogbagidi could...
Kemi Okunloyo The controversial blogger has resorted to well-meaning Nigerians for aid due to various illness she contracted while in Port-Harcourt Maximum prison. They include eye...