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How Andrew Jones Carries his heart in a Bag & Charges himself every night Using Left Ventricular Assist Device- LVAD

how andrew jones carries charges his own heart Left Ventricular Assist Device LVAD cardiomyopathy

In 2012, Andrew Jones, a bodybuilder and professional fitness model, aged 26 years old, was diagnosed with cardiomyopathy- a heart disease that makes the heart unable to efficiently pump blood throughout the body.

He was awaiting a full heat transplant, but while he awaiting the heart donor, he has to keep himself alive by ensuring a good pulse rate.

Andrew Jones was given an electronic artificial heart pump device called Left Ventricular Assist Device- LVAD. He has the artificial heart pump attached to him always and goes about with it everywhere. At night, he charges the artificial heart pumping device by basically plugging himself to a power outlet.

Andrew Jones currently lives a normal live, going about his daily business and routine in the Gym!

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