The case of a mysterious hijacking of DB Cooper has witnessed a new dimension after the FBI was reported to have reopened an investigation into it.
The reopening of the investigation into this case is a result of the discovery of a parachute that is believed to have a link to the case. The parachute was seen on a North Carolina property that is linked to a key suspect in the Cooper investigation, Richard Floyd McCoy II.
Security officers arrested Richard Floyd McCoy II for a very similar hijacking in 1972, where he asked to be paid a ransom and then moved out of the plane using a parachute that resembles Cooper’s daring escape.
A YouTube investigator, Dan Gryder, found the connection. The investigator has spent years researching the case and with his new findings, the FBI has found a cause to reopen the 43-year-old mystery.
A man with the name Dan Cooper hijacked a flight on November 24, 1971, where he demanded to be paid $2,000,000 and also asked for four parachutes. Cooper jumped from the plane using a parachute into the night after he had released the passengers, and while a lot of searches were made to arrest him, he was never found.
The FBI is yet to confirm if Richard McCoy is connected to the hijacking, but he remains a suspect. The newly found parachute may be an answer to some questions and probably lead to a complete closure of DB Cooper’s case.