Twitter was set abuzz with the news of Cardi B, Lady Gaga, Jennifer Lopez, and “meaty” Megan Thee Stallion allegedly being transgenders or hermaphrodites after various videos and pictures showed the singers “exposing their balls and penis” while dancing, during a live performance or just taking a photoshoot.
The first video seeming shows Cardi B twerking on stage during a live performance with what looks like balls strapped tightly by her pant. A photo also showed Cardi B sitting on “her balls” which had somewhat slipped out of her pants during a photoshoot in her home.

The second video show shows Jennifer Lopez dancing innocently but many say they can see her penis swinging inside her sweatpants. But, if you have a dick to conceal, everybody knows you shouldn’t wear sweatpants.
The third video has Lady Gaga in an interview when she was asked about the rumor of her having a male appendage and being a hermaphrodite. The controversial singer replied that she cared less about the rumors, just like her fans do.
It made waves after a concert when she wanted to get off a bike while wearing a tight and short dress and trying to conceal the “penis” bulge in between her legs.
Watch the videos below:
Another video showed what seemingly is a penis or balls dangling down Megan Thee Stallion‘s underwear while she squatted and was dancing to her song Big Ole Freak, during a live performance.