Video: TikToker Seen As Illegal immigrant Records Himself Walking Around Paris & Forcefully Taking People’s Food

Video- TikToker Seen As Illegal immigrant Records Himself Walking Around Paris & Forcefully Taking People's Food

A TikToker who can pass for an illegal immigrant held a phone in one one while he recorded himself using his other hand to forcefully collect people’s food and drinks while he walked around Paris.


In his video, nobody tried to resist or fight the black teen, suggesting a scared state of mind of the people in France amid a wild influx of illegal immigrants characterized by an uptick in crime rate.

This is coming as the United States gears towards banning or acquiring TikTok from its Chinese owners.

The state of security in France took a lashing when gang members brazenly highjacked a prison van that was carrying their leader to another location. The gang successfully rescued their head known as Mohammed “The Fly” Amra and left three security gangs dead and another three seriously injured.

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