Video, Photo: A Black & Bloodied White Horse From The King’s Cavalry Run Loose In London As Big Ben Rings 11 Times At 9 o’clock – Signs Of Bad Omen

Video, Photo: A Black & Bloodied White Horse From The King's Cavalry Run Loose In London As Big Ben Rings 11 Times At 9 o'clock - Signs Of Bad Omen

The twin events of a black and white bloodied and bleeding horse which was seen running the streets of London from the King’s Cavalry, together with the famous Big Ben which rang 11 times at 9 o’clock after a full moon in Scorpio, made many believe they were signs of a bad omen or coming bad news from the Buckingham palace, and others, that they were signs of a coming shift in power

Video below:

The Elizabeth Tower clock also also appeared to stop for an hour before it then gave the correct time at 10:15am.

Social media was flooded with speculations on the death of Kate Middleton after her “disappearance” following a planned abdominal surgery and fake photos released afterward.

An astrological and psychic person gave its opinion on Kate Middleton;

“Upon careful study of the astrology that was active over her “abdominal surgery” back on January 17th, we think that this was actually a forced abortion in disguise.

Saturn’s aspects to Vulcan retrograde in Leo and Hercules retrograde in Gemini are indicative to us of a forced abortion and a loss of illegitimate royal life.

The tragic and violent death of Thomas Kingston invokes the thought of Eros, god of male lovers, who transits in Capricorn which is of course Kate’s sign.

Eros has been transiting behind Kate’s sun for years now and in recent times, in sextile to her natal Eros and Jupiter in Scorpio the sign which governs secrets and sexual activity. Eros was lighting this up in Kate’s chart.

For these astrological reasons we think that an ill-fated love affair resulted in these twin tragedies. Amari thinks that Kate “will not come out of this” and that another “Diana scenario” will unfortunately play out like a curse.

Amari also thinks that the princess is currently receiving intense psychiatric treatment as Kate knows about the death of Thomas and the loss of the illegitimate child.

We will continue to observe this most serious matter, for now here are our professional opinions as requested. May God’s mercy and grace be with Kate and her family.

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