Riccardo Bosi Video: Ex Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is a Pedophile | Many In Power Protecting The Cult

Riccardo Bosi, a former Australian Army Special Forces Lieutenant Colonel let it all out on a journalist while alleging that the former Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison is a Pedophile.

He also said that many Pedophiles are occupying key positions in government and that every politician knows 28 top Pedophiles, but cannot mention them.

He further urged the interviewer to do their research and confirm his allegations.

This is coming as Ryan Garcia, an American professional boxer said on Andre Tates X space, that he was once held down, tied up, and forced to watch the rape of children in the woods.

Garcia would also say that he has video evidence and will provide it on demand.

He also said that he was raped when he was 2 years old, and that Bohemian Grove is real.

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