Bells Removed To Prevent People Using Its Frequencies & Vibrations Used For Healing Properties

Bells Removed To Prevent People Using Its Frequencies & Vibrations Used For Healing Properties
Photo Credit: Unsplash

A viral post suggests that bells contain strong healing properties because of the frequency and vibration they emit when being rung, and unfortunately, they have been removed to stop people from making use of them.

However, it was also noted that the massive campaign which saw the destruction of thousands of bells in history might be due to the need for brass for making bullets and other weapons during the World War.

Ringing a bell was also noted to repel evil spirits because they operate at a much lower frequency, and the sound of the bell highly irritates them.

It was also said that the profit drive of big pharmaceutical companies led to the campaign that led to the gradual decline of bells in the neighborhood citing noise pollution.

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