A man named Joe Jenkins had recorded himself playing the piano underwater, deep inside the ocean.
He had arranged for himself and his equipment to settle on the ocean floor, set up his piano and stool, then proceeded to play the music ‘under the sea’, a song in Disney’s Little Mermaid.
Joe Jenkins might probably be the first person to achieve such a feat, playing a real piano under water.
The sound of his piano keyword as he plays the little mermaid song was more like some tight guitar strings.
Watch the video below:
Joe Jenkins is an English Pianist and Youtuber. He is 21 years old, born on April 4, 2001, in Shelbyville, Tennessee, USA. He is popularly known for his 1$ piano cover, playing All Star with the sharpest tool in his shed, playing All Star on his cat, as well as playing piano music in public places.