After a video emerged of some children celebrating Christmas and Santa Clause with banners of “we love you satan”, many have reopened the question if Jesus Christ was born on that date and if we are not worshipping or honoring Satan by celebrating Christmas.
A man dressed in the attire of Santa Clause was referred to as satan or devil by some children holding up banners with letters to the inscription “we love you satan”. Though it was portrayed as only an act and was corrected with some giggles and laughter, that didn’t prevent some brows to be raised, especially when the fact was already on hot debate.
The movie could be subtly implying that December 25, which we celebrate as Christmas day, is satanic and actually the birthday of Satan; and that somehow Christians have been deceived into worshipping or honoring satan through Christmas celebrations.
It is argued by many that Christmas is not the day Jesus Christ was born; hence not his birthday. That it was originally a pagan day which was merged to assume the date Christians “chose or were given” as the day Christ was born into the world.
“Lmao when will people finally realize that Christmas has absolutely nothing to do w Jesus nor is it his real birthday and that Christmas is a whole pagan holiday Juss like all tha other ones??smhhhhh. They not ready for nun of that tho ??♀️”, a comment had said.
The video quickly went viral with many saying “the powers that be” are not hiding anymore, and are bringing the heat to the sitting room. Many also expressed worry about the use of Children to pass on a such message. While others held the dark side of the world has never been hidden, that we are just paying more attention to it now.