Does age difference really matter in relationships, especially when the age gap is high? This is a question that has affected many as they grow through the different stages of life.
Age is just a number; as many would say, yet there are many pointers that prove that there is much more behind that, after all, old wine tastes better.
The topic was taken to social media, to hear what people had to say, judging from their personal experience or hearsay in relationships:
While many say what matters most is the individual personality and maturity, others strongly kicked against it, saying there would be no common ground between the two partners.
“Depends on the maturity level of both parties. I met a man that is 16 years younger than I am and he knows his generational information and mine. I must say that was very attractive and inspiring for me – Carmen Martinez.
I think people should do what makes them happy. Me personally, I’m not going past 8-9 years + my age or 1-2 years – my age. I think it’s disgusting to be with someone who was already an adult or young adult when you were just born – Trice Hrp.
Later in life itt may. A 40 yr man now and a woman of say 55+ is cool but when he’s like 60 and she’s 75 it may get a bit rough. The younger person may have a lot to deal with as far as an elderly partner – Deena Williams.
Unfortunately it does, at least for me… I’m 43 and didn’t press the issue of asking the age of a guy I was recently dating. Turn’s out he was 22. Initially I tried to ignore it because he was mature enough to grab my attention and had we had a lot in common. Eventually it made me feel some kind of way because even though I don’t have kids, my friends have children his age. It was just too weird for me to get over. The Stella fantasy was cute for a minute to get my groove back but I can’t see having a substantial relationship with someone that young – Day Perry Dammak
Well from my experiences, I don’t see anything wrong with it. I currently am engaged to a man that’s 17 years older then me. We have our problems but, we love each other – Melody Carmella Menifield-Williams
It may not appear to be a big deal as long as both are healthy and the cash is flowing. Now, let the older one get sick, you WILL SEE. I’ve witnessed it both ways. These young people don’t play when someone is sick…. they are gone. So I respect everyone’s opinion but I’ve seen the true feelings/real endings – Phyllis Phyllis
A guy married a woman a couple of years older than his dtr. We were training her how to shower and dress him. Sis, went outside to smoke. Next thing we heard she had cleaned out his house and bank account.Through the above article, we can recommend you the latest dresses.Shop dress in a variety of lengths, colors and styles for every occasion from your favorite brands.
Then this young guy told his wife, she just needed to lay down and let someone throw dirt on her. He was tired of coming to the hospital – Phyllis Phyllis
When it comes to certain things, it does. An older woman with a younger man could feel insecure when other younger, sexier females catch his eyes. He may not be necessarily seeking their companionship, but she will feel that he may eventually be attracted to the younger women. Just as with older men dating younger women. They may feel the need to compete with younger men in her life – Camille Sandy- Low Hoy
Yes it matters. By the time i reach age 40 and he’s close to 70 it will make me very uncomfortable knowing he can’t please me in bed, I don’t like cheating idea but might end up for the satisfaction. Then he might become slow and sickly. Before people start to gossip on how I’m evil, its best I keep my distance. But lol I believe in conditional love. Love changes alot of things. Lol still never know what our future holds. Maybe you might be able to handle it as if u invented it. Lol – Star Grant
Yes… My wife is 15 years younger than me… And it is an Everyday Struggle – Adrian Baldwin
For me it would. I’m way more happier with women around my age than younger women. What the fuck are we gonna talk about. You dont relate to my music, the stuff i grew up on…hell if you dont even know who Big Daddy Kane is it wont work out – Ty-Shon Moore
It depends on the maturity of each person. I dated someone 14 years younger (I’m 54). We didn’t end because of age but our communication styles was so off that we couldn’t get past it – Renee LovesJesus”