Federal University Oye-Ekiti Bans Students Driving Cars Inside Campus

federal university oye ekiti bans students driving cars inside university campus

The Federal University Oye-Ekiti has banned its students from driving cars within its university campus.

The ban was conveyed in an internal memorandum from the office of the registrar. It gave reasons for the ban due to the reckless driving of some students which have put people at high and unnecessary risk.

The letter reads:

“The University Management has noted with deep disappointment, the Indiscriminate and
reckless driving by some students within the University. This has put commuters and
pedestrians at high and unnecessary risks.”

“Consequently, Management has directed that no student be allowed to drive/use any
car on the University Campus with immediate effect.”

“By this directive, all students’ cars must be henceforth, properly parked outside the campuses.”

“This is for your information and strict compliance, please.”

“Thank you

Mutulau A. IBRAHIM
Ag. Registrar
CC: Vice-Chancellor
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Administration)
Deputy Vice-Chancellor (Academics)
Ag. Bursar
University Librarian
All Deans/Provost
All Head of Units/Departments
Deputy Director. ICT
Chief Security Officer
Head. Corporate Services
All Student Union Associations

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