Video: US Army Soldiers Resign Over Mandatory Covid-19 Vaccinations

us army soldiers marines resign over compulsory covid 19 vaccination or job loss

Soldiers from the US army are resigning because they are now been mandated to get Covid-19 vaccinations.

This is coming after ESPN Sports reporter, Allison Williams, resigned from her job because of the same Covid vaccine compulsion.

Many Government agencies and business corporations in the USA are following suit, compelling their staff to get the covid-19 vaccine or lose their jobs, fueling speculations of massive job loss from people that will not want to get vaccinated either because of their beliefs, health issues, or otherwise.

The soldiers from the United States of America, including Marines, made a video, where they stated their ranks, achievements so far, and why they are leaving the US army, whom they loved so much.

Watch the video compilation below;

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