When gods Get Saved: How 3-eyed Calf Was Rescued From Slaughter and Worshipped!

calf with 3 eyes rescued from slaughter worshipped as god

A calf with three eyes was discovered by a vet, Malan Hughes, while testing a herd of cattle for tuberculosis on a beef farm in North Wales. She posted this on her Twitter feed, sharing her disbelief with the world.

Despite its superficial appearance of sacredness, the cow was still destined for slaughter as it did ‘not act any differently from any other calf.’ However, appeals were made to save the cow nicknamed Isaiah.

It seems the appeal worked; a few hours ago, an animal charity purchased the cow for £5000, and it is now being housed in a sanctuary called Goshalla in Leicester, United Kingdom. The cow has been named ‘Mahadev’, an alternative name for the Hindu deity Shiva —who is believed to have a third eye, and whose third eye represents wisdom and insight.

‘Because the cow had three eyes we thought he was special and we wanted to rescue him… he would have ended up being slaughtered eventually.’ Those were the words of Nitin Mehta, the founder of Jain Animal Sanctuary, the animal welfare charity that rescued the ‘god’ calf!

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