This is a wake-up call to the Nigerian Minister of Education- Adamu Adamu. It is highly ridiculous that in this era of green energy, students are been forced to make 4 copies of their project work, which will be presented on their defense day, and thereafter ends up in the trash.
That is purely an unwarranted waste of scarce resources that does not only harm the environment and put more strain on the depletion of natural trees but also comes with high monetary cost on the already over-burdened students.

Project work can be fully digitalized and maybe not more than one hard copy needs to be made. Now we ask how many lecturers are actually computer literate? Surprisingly but not many of them, especially in the public institutions, can effectively operate a computer without assistance. You just can’t give what you don’t have!
Also in some cases, these hard copies are carted off to be sold as full project work to another student. This criminal act is also done within the education department. What then is the reward for extensive research and intuitive property even in the home of learning?
See also:Nigeria & Rape! Which way?